The Fear of Writing

Dear Fellow Writers,

The fear of writing exists. Even now as I am writing this blog post, I can feel a hint of the fear arising. This is a pretty personal subject for me, because it is hard to admit. But there is a fear that holds me back from starting new writing projects.

I am the type of person who gets stuck in my head and feels like things aren't quite lined up or that it isn't the right time. But is there ever really a perfect time to start something new?

I have currently written two novels, both unpublished, and have the pieces starting to come together for a third. For the past month, I have been telling myself that I will start writing it and that it feels like the right time, but only recently, the words have made their way to paper.

The fear stems to all projects before, during, and after creation. As a writer, you want people to like what you write as much as you want to like it yourself. With my current novel, I have a vision in mind that I really want to be able to bring to the page and it scares me that I might not be able to create it in the way that I dream of.

What I have learned is that in the end, I just need to write. The first word is always the hardest word. But that first word starts a series of pages that bring me joy and excitement. I hope that anybody else that might also be afraid of writing can find a second of courage and go for it.

In the end, that is what really matters.

Happy writing.


Interview with E.G. Scott